Download the Yuri Handbook!
"The rural-urban youth handbook for collective and green entrepreneurship".
The handbook aims to critically address, with a hands-on practical approach, the overlap among climate action, social economy, and youth inclusion from a holistic, systemic, skill building and proactive perspective. It includes the results of the desk research, study of cases/best practices and interviews conducted by the partner organizations, the learning path and activities for competence development of collective, green, social entrepreneurs tested by the partners during their pilot workshops, an overview of support policy, funding and social entrepreneurship support institutions at local, national, European levels, together with the digital tools available for young people who would like to start a green, social and collective initiative and a series of policy recommendations.
The YURI handbook provides target groups with an increased knowledge and skills, proactive attitude, and new and improved methods to promote youth entrepreneurship and climate action. It will be available to download from E+ Results Platform, SALTO-Youth, and partner websites, in English and all partner languages, Creative Commons licensed.
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WHAT IS YURI? (English Subs)

WHAT IS YURI? (English Subs)

YURI Participants talk about their experience

What are Green and Social Projects?

The YURI Handbook

Creative Methods for Entrepreneurship

About Collective Entrepreneurship

Political Recommendations